About Banni

The Banni region emerged from the sea as a result of tectonic activities, received soils from the rivers flown from Bhuj mainland and ended in Greater Rann of Kutch. Soils deposited by the rivers and the wind, made the land of Banni richer enough that is could generate diverse grass species, once reported up to 40 grass species, mostly palatable with saline grass species. Banni grassland supports numerous animal genetic resources like Banni buffalo, Kankrej Cattle, Sheep, Goat, Camel, and horse. This grassland acts as breeding and nesting ground for more than 250 bird species, including resident, winter migratory birds.  Banni region, situated at 23°19’N to 23°52’N to 68°56’E  to 70°32’E, comprises around 2500q.km area under Bhuj taluka of Kutch district, is home of Muslim nomadic pastoralists, Meghwal Hindus and Vadha Kolis. Pastoral lifestyle of the communities not only conserved its rich animal genetic resources but also protected the Banni grassland ecosystem.

Banni is situated in Arid climate, with high temperatures most of the time which reach maximum up to 48°C -50°C during May June and winter temperature goes down to 5°C – 8°C during December January. Average Annual rainfall, occurring through Southwest monsoon between June to September, is very low of 317mm with coefficient of variation of 65%. Though there is inherent salinity in the soil, pastoral communities dug up Virdas, shallow wells of 9-12ft deep that collect rainwater in its soil particles, for livestock and themselves. There have been numerous natural wetlands in Banni and the largest one is known as Chhari – Dhandh, a saucer shaped wetland which was recently declared as Conservation Reserve.

Though, in the last three decades Banni grassland has slowly started losing its original ecosystem due to invasion of prosopis juliflora, a foreign alien species promoted initially by state agencies. Damming of rivulets on the upstream of Banni grasslands are also responsible for increase of salinity in the Banni grassland. Even though the grassland is facing ecological disturbance, recent recognition of Banni Buffalo as 11th buffalo breed of the country, establishment of dairies, and good rainfall in the last five years generated hope among the pastoral communities for this livelihood security. The formation of Banni Breeders’ Association (BPUMS) in the region started negotiations with state authorities on the pastoral rights and rights of grazing in Banni grassland under Forest Rights Act 2006. Many scientists, practitioners started working on various ecological, economic aspects to create a new knowledge system apart from indigenous technical knowledge of local people, be it on livestock breeding, animal health care, traditional earth technologies, handicraft and traditional water harvesting technologies.